Friday, January 23, 2009

Montpelier Bikes @ Montpelier Planning Commission • 1/26/09

With input from many of you, and the combined thinking power of the Montpelier Bikes steering committee -- Montpelier Bikes is taking recommendations to improve conditions for bicycling before the Montpelier Planning Commission on Monday, January 26, at 7 pm, in the City Council Chambers - Montpelier City Hall. Becka Roolf of Going Green will make a presentation.

We encourage you to attend the meeting if you can, to learn more about these initiatives, and provide your additional public comment, input, and support. Here are our handouts for the meeting.

1. Bicycle Parking Recommendations
Our presentation will summarize a recent bicycle parking survey and our recommendations. Thanks to all on this list who participated in the survey. We had 42 responses. Here's two spreadsheets summarizing the results:
2. Complete Streets Resolution
A complete streets resolution would direct city staff to routinely accommodate all modes of transportation in all construction projects and planning. Currently, specific bicycle accommodation is rarely considered. Specific wording for Montpelier would need to be developed; the Montpelier Bikes group would like to initiate the discussion.

3. Bicycle Master Plan
The creation of a bicycle master plan was recommended in the city's transportation plan drafted in 2005. Montpelier Bikes would like the planning commission to make this a priority in 2009, and to subsequently seek funding for implementation.

4. Sidewalk Riding Ordinances
Possible revisions to the restriction to bicycles on sidewalks, to reduce the area in which sidewalk bicycle riding is prohibited to just the core business area (which is where police currently enforce it). See last page of handout, linked above.

Note: at this time we are not addressing specific streets or hot spots. We received some comments on streets as part of our bike parking survey. We did hear you, and we will take your input into account as our initiative moves in that direction in the coming year.

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